Higher Education
Scholarly Teaching, Active Learning, Communicating Science
ASPB is active in the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education (V&C) movement to ‘nurture the implementation of the vision of a biology education that aligns with the reality of the rapidly changing nature of biology: a vision that demands conceptual, integrative, and critical thinking which crosses disciplinary boundaries and develops problem-solving skills and the ability to work with data at a scale previously unimaginable.’
Broader Impacts
ASPB supports faculty researchers pursuing NSF Broader Impacts (overview; perspectives report) and strives to align Society resources with guiding principles from the National Alliance for Broader Impacts as well as in concert with Boyer’s four pillars of scholarship.
Core Concepts
ASPB offers the Core Concepts (with Learning objectives) in Plant Biology appropriate through advanced study. These concepts form the Plant Biology Learning Framework at CourseSource.org.
ASPB higher education resources that align with the above initiatives include:
Scholarly Teaching/Authentic Publication
CourseSource.org offers evidence-based teaching resources for undergraduate life science education. ASPB developed (with BSA) and manages the Plant Biology Learning Framework.
Submit YOUR active learning resources here for review.
Life Science Teaching Resource Community
The Life Science Teaching Resource Community is an online community and resource library for life science educators at all levels. ASPB is a LifeSciTRC Partner Organization.
Submit YOUR life science resources here for publication
Teaching Tools in Plant Biology
Up-to-date peer-reviewed research-based content with flexible presentation components.
Wiki Education Foundation
Wiki Education Foundation cultivates learning that enriches…allowing learners to contribute to open scholarship and education for all.
Grant Programs
Transforming Education in Plant Biology
The ASPB Master Educator Program funds Society member professional development for developing undergraduate plant biology instructional materials aligned with V&C and ASPB’s Core Concepts in Plant Biology.
Deadline: October 31, 2019
The ASPB Plant Biology Learning Objectives, Outreach Materials & Education Grant funds Society member projects that advance youth, student, and general public knowledge and appreciation of plant biology.
Deadline: April 2, 2020
Promoting Active Learning & Mentoring Grant
Funds faculty and postdocs for mentoring to teach with active learning & influence the teaching culture at their institution.
Deadlines: Rolling deadline
NSF #1539870
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
SURF funds promising students so they can conduct research in plant biology during the early part of their college careers.
Deadline: April, 2020
Collaborations/Collective Impact
Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE)
PULSE offers a network and resources to sustainably transform classroom experiences and administrative support on all higher education campuses.
PlantingScience—Digging Deeper
Tests a bespoke professional development (PD) model whereby teachers and scientists guide high school students in authentic science and then reflect on instructional and mentoring strategies. NSF #1502892
Check Plantae for additional higher education resources.
Pro Tips
Practical resources to support the student-to-professional transition:
- How to Make a Great Talk
- Career Building
- Have a Pro Tip to share?
Email Winnie Nham (education@aspb.org) - See Plantae’s career page for more professional development options.