ASPB Membership

ASPB membership dues helps ASPB provide many resources to the global plant science community. Here are just some of the many things that ASPB membership powers:

  • Plantae: the global plant science community: a community and knowledge foundation for the global plant science community, based on input and ideas from members of the community. It is a crowd-sourced initiative and open to all those with an interest in plant science. Plantae has resources, discussions, articles and much more.  It also includes webinars, a job center and a mentoring center.
  • Teaching Tools in Plant Biology: Up-to-date teaching modules on various aspects of plant biology
  • The Plant Cell, Plant Physiology and Plant Direct: high quality scientific content dedicated to plant biology research
  • Advocacy and Policy initiatives: ASPB provides plant scientists with a connection to advocacy efforts with federal agencies and the U.S.. government toward funding objectives for plant science which also provides expert witness and testimony as needed.
  • Education and Outreach activities including materials, such as bookmarks, for use in education outreach to the general public on how plants influence various aspects of society as a whole.
  • Meetings, events and special programming that support plant scientists educational, career development and networking needs.
  • Awards and grant opportunities including travel grants, education grants, grants for early career, women, undergraduates and awards that recognize scientist at various stages of their careers that have contributed to the plant science fields well.
  • Regional sections in the US, Canada and Mexico and special interest sections that allow for smaller gatherings, more presentation opportunities and networking connections, particularly for students.
  • TapRoot: a podcast series hosted by Liz Hazwell and Ivan Baxter
  • The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

ASPB Member Benefits

The benefits below are available to all ASPB members: