Pioneer Member

L. Andrew Staehelin


Alice Cheung
Daniel Cosgrove
Bryon Donohoe
Tanya Falbel
Donna Fernandez
David Galbraith
Thomas Giddings
Candace Haigler
Byung-Ho Kang
Ichirou Karahara
Maureen McCann & Nick Carpita
Kenneth Miller
Yoshinobu Mineyuki
Donald Ort
Marisa Otegui
Anne Lacey Samuels
Jose Segui-Simarro

Russell L. Chapman – It was an honor and a pleasure to have known, and to have worked with, Andrew L. Staehelin. He was a brilliant scientist, an outstanding teacher, and an amazingly warm human being. He certainly ranked as one of the most extraordinary persons I have ever encountered.

Daniel Cosgrove – With his numerous pioneering electron microscopic studies of plant cell structure, Andrew contributed immensely to plant cell biology. He pioneered rapid-freeze techniques, enabling the visualization of structures hitherto unseen in the plant cell. His group’s meticulous EM analyses of the Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum, microtubule organization, cell plate formation, cellulose synthase complexes in Micrasterias, and many aspects of cell wall organization are classics.

Candace Haigler – Dr. Staehelin was an excellent and kind plant cell biologist, the best possible combination! I remember the times that he encouraged me as a young scientist by being interested in and constructively critiquing research that I presented at meetings. His personal accomplishments in and and appreciation of cryo-transmission-electron microscopy as an important tool were especially important as molecular biology became prominent. He also took the time to converse and give general advice that helped me along my career path as a professor. I remember him fondly and am happy to support him becoming an ASPB Pioneer. Candace Haigler, Professor of Crop Science and Plant Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA

Byung-Ho Kang – Andrew was a wonderful mentor and scientist. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with and learned from him when I was a post-doc in his lab and as I transitioned into an independent researcher. I consulted him for his insights and expertise when facing challenges in my plant cell imaging analyses.

Ichirou Karahara – I am very sorry for his loss. But his advice, along with his enthusiasm to understand cellular fine structure in relation to its function, continues to stay in my mind.

Brian Larkins – Andrew Staehelin’s electron micrographs of plant cells in the 1970s opened the minds and imaginations of plant biologists and provided the foundation for plant cell biology research

Kenneth R. Miller – Andrew Staehelin’s remarkable achievements in plant cell biology speak for themselves. He was a genuine pioneer in the study of the photosynthetic apparatus and plant cell organization. He was as much artist as expert, applying scientific rigor along with a profound esthetic sense to his innovations in electron microscopy. As a graduate mentor, Andrew was without peer. He could be critical when it was called for, but he was always kind, supportive, and creative as he shaped my career and those of many others. His impact extends far beyond his own research accomplishments and is reflected in the scores of young investigators he trained and inspired to enrich the scientific community and extend the boundaries of biological knowledge. He was a true pioneer of plant biology and helped to establish a foundation for many others.

Yoshinobu Mineyuki – Andrew Staehelin was one of the world’s leading scientists in the field of plant cell biology,. Using electron microscopy techniques, he had successfully visualized many life phenomena in plant cells. In collaboration with him, I have learned many tips for looking into the life activities inside cells at the nano-level. His works are still remembered by the fact that we can see many of the images published in his lab in cell biology textbooks.

Marisa Otegui – Andrew Staehelin was an exceptional mentor, creative, supportive, and always positive. He was an inspiration to all around him and changed many people’s lives, including mine. He will be missed.

Anne Lacey Samuels – As a post-doc mentor, Andrew Staehelin was a kind and positive person, who was committed to the highest quality science. We shared a love of the art, as well as the science, of electron microscopy. He was creative in producing models that incorporated not only plant biology, but recent advances in yeast or mammalian cell biology. Andrew integrated cell biology into the cell wall field, which in the early days was dominated by biochemists. This legacy and foresight, especially with respect to the role of the Golgi and cellulose biosynthesis at the plasma membrane, can still be seen at cell wall meetings today.

Jose M. Segui-Simarro – Andrew Staehelin was one of the best plant cell biologists. He combined deep scientific knowledge with extraordinary human values, making my stay with him in his lab one of the most fruitful and rewarding of my scientific career. I will always thank and never forget Andrew for giving me such an opportunity. He very much deserves this recognition.