Pioneer Member

Sharon Long


David Almassian
Melanie Barnett
Esther Chen
Peter Covitz
Mark Dudley
Eric Engstrom
Robert Fisher and Nancy Federspiel
Matt Gribble
Jeanne Harris
Barbara Howlett
Hiro Ichida
Mike Kahn
Grant Kalinowski
David Keating
Alisa Lehman
William Margollin
John Mulligan and Philippa Webster
N. Kent Peters
Adriana Rightmyer
Sidney Shaw
Henrik Stotz
Rebecca Wais
Dong Wang
Kuo-Chen Yeh
Melanie Yelton

Henrik Stotz – I am so grateful to Sharon for letting me join her research program. I was fortunate to experience her cutting-edge research on the legume symbiosis; the cellular biology was ahead of its time. At the time, 1994-1997, I was employed as a Howard Hughes postdoctoral associate. What an amazing group of colleagues I worked with, including Melanie Barnett, Bob Fisher, David Ehrhardt, Dan Gage, Peter Covitz, Jeanne Harris, Alan Downie and many others. What a fertile working environment was generated with connections to the Yanofsky and Walbot labs. Contacts to plant physiology greats like Peter Ray, Winslow Briggs and Paul Green were also encouraged. I encountered Sharon as a most impressive, inclusive and professional lab manager. My time in the Long lab has enabled me to grow as a scientist and provided a BRIDGE for subsequent positions at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Oregon State University and now at the University of Hertfordshire. I am immensely grateful for Sharon’s influences on my career, but I also noticed how she inspired others. Sharon’s contributions to research, teaching and administration as a Dean at Stanford University were sublime. It is a privilege to keep in contact with Sharon’s team and I wish them all the very best for the future. May the Long legacy persist.